This document specifies an integrity checking mechanism and related properties for:
vObject (I-D.calconnect-vobject-vformat)
vCard version 4 (vCard v4) (RFC 6350); and
iCalendar (Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification) (RFC 5545)
This work is produced by the CalConnect TC-VCARD and TC-CALENDAR committees.
1. Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Internet-Draft draft-calconnect-vobject-vformat-00, RONALD HENRY TSE, PETER TAM, CYRUS DABOO and KENNETH MURCHISON. The vObject Model and vFormat Syntax. In: Internet-Draft. 2018. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 2119, S. BRADNER. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. In: BCP. 1997. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 5545, B. DESRUISSEAUX (ed.). Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar). In: RFC. 2009. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 6321, C. DABOO, M. DOUGLASS and S. LEES. xCal: The XML Format for iCalendar. In: RFC. 2011. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 6350, S. PERREAULT. vCard Format Specification. In: RFC. 2011. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 6351, S. PERREAULT. xCard: vCard XML Representation. In: RFC. 2011. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 6352, C. DABOO. CardDAV: vCard Extensions to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). In: RFC. 2011. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 7095, P. KEWISCH. jCard: The JSON Format for vCard. In: RFC. 2014. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 7265, P. KEWISCH, C. DABOO and M. DOUGLASS. jCal: The JSON Format for iCalendar. In: RFC. 2014. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 8126, M. COTTON, B. LEIBA and T. NARTEN. Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs. In: BCP. 2017. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
IETF RFC 8174, B. LEIBA. Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words. In: BCP. 2017. RFC Publisher. [viewed: December 9, 2024].
2. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “ SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “ NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 IETF RFC 2119 IETF RFC 8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
The key words “Private Use”, “Experimental Use”, “ Hierarchical Allocation”, “First Come First Served”, “ Expert Review”, “Specification Required”, “RFC Required”, “ IETF Review”, “Standards Action” and “IESG Approval” in this document are to be interpreted as described in 4.
The definitions from Internet-Draft draft-calconnect-vobject-vformat-00 are inherited in this document unless explicitly overridden.
2.1. Definitions
Implementation Supported Checksum
An implementation is considered to support checksum calculation if it is able to calculate the checksum without external aid, i.e., it supports the parameters specified to calculate the checksum value.
Source Preferred Checksum Value (SPCV)
A CHECKSUM property that includes a PREF property parameter.
Receiver Preferred Checksum Value (RPCV)
The CHECKSUM property that uses the implementation’s preferred checksum parameters.
3. Symbols And Abbreviations
3.1. Functions
These functions are REQUIRED and MUST be implemented for compliance to this document.
3.1.1. SORT
Sorts an list according to alphabetical order (A-Z).
This function returns a Unicode string (7) containing a string representation of a list of string values, each followed by a selected delimiter character.
LIST-TO-TEXT(list, delimiter) =
value(list, 1) + delimiter +
value(list, 2) + delimiter +
value(list, last-element-position(list))
Figure 1
where: * + indicates concatenation; * value(l, i) is the i-th value in the list l in string representation; * last-element-position(a) returns the last element position of list l.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of the normalized property parameter key.
PREPHASH-PROPERTY-PARAMETER-KEY(parameter) = normalize(key(parameter))
Figure 2
where: * + indicates concatenation; * key(parameter) is the property parameter key; * normalize(s) is a function that normalizes the key s.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of the normalized property parameter values.
values(parameter, 1),
values(parameter, 2),
Figure 3
where: * + indicates concatenation; * values(parameter, i) is the i-th property parameter value in parameter.
Converts a property parameter into a string, with its key and values.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) containing a sequence of zero or more list values in string format, each followed by a ‘;’ character.
"{" +
Figure 4
where: * + indicates concatenation.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of a set of property parameters.
We exclude the VALUE property parameter in this calculation (such as VALUE=TEXT) as this information is represented in PREPHASH-PROPERTY-VALUE-HASHA.
"#" +
PREPHASH-PROPERTY-PARAMETER(parameter(property, 1)),
PREPHASH-PROPERTY-PARAMETER(parameter(property, 2)),
Figure 5
where: * + indicates concatenation; * parameters(property, i) is the i-th parameter of property.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of the normalized property key.
PREPHASH-PROPERTY-KEY(property) = normalize(key(property))
Figure 6
where: * + indicates concatenation; * key(property) is the property key; * normalize(s) is a function that normalizes the key s.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of the normalized property value type. Since the property value type is represented here, we exclude the VALUE property parameter in PREPHASH-PROPERTY-PARAMETERS (such as VALUE=TEXT)
PREPHASH-PROPERTY-VALUE-HASHA(property) = UPCASE(type(property))
Figure 7
where: * + indicates concatenation; * type(property) is the property value type, if not explicitly provided, it should be filled in according to IETF RFC 6350; * normalize(s) is a function that normalizes the property value type s.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of the normalized property values.
Certain content types allow storing multiple values (as a list) in the same property line. For example, in the ADR and N properties, values are separated by the “;” delimiter, while in NICKNAME and CATEGORIES they are separated by the “,” delimiter 3.3.
values(property, 1),
values(property, 2),
Figure 8
where: * + indicates concatenation; * values(property, i) is the i-th property value in property.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of a single property.
PREPHASH-PROPERTY-KEY(property) + ":" +
Figure 9
where: * + indicates concatenation
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of a single property.
PREPHASH-PROPERTY-KEY(property) + ":" +
Figure 10
where: * + indicates concatenation
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of a set of properties.
HASH-PROPERTY(property(properties, 1)),
HASH-PROPERTY(property(properties, 2)),
Figure 11
where: * + indicates concatenation; * property(properties, i) is the i-th property of properties; * HASH(s) is selected cryptographic hash function applied to string s.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of the normalized vObject name.
PREPHASH-COMPONENT-NAME(component) = normalize(name(component))
Figure 12
where: * name© is the component name of component c.
This function returns a Unicode string (7) representation of a vObject. The similarity of this representation with the vObject structure is intentional for readability purposes.
HASH-AND-PREPHASH-PROPERTIES(properties(component)) + CRLF +
Figure 13
where: * + indicates concatenation; * properties© returns the properties of the component c in an list;
This function returns a Unicode string (7) as the output of a selected cryptographic hash function applied on a vObject.
Figure 14
3.1.16. HASH
This function returns the calculated hash of an input string and outputs the hash in string representation.
HASH(string) = generate-hash-function(
Figure 15
where: * generate-hash-function(a, p) creates a new cryptographic hash function that uses the hash algorithm a with algorithm parameters p which takes a string input and generates the hash using a string output; * selected-hash-function is the selected cryptographic hash algorithm selected by the user (and/or CUA); * selected-hash-parameters are the selected parameters for the selected cryptographic hash function by the user (and/or CUA), and could be different per algorithm.
vObject — Integrity protection for vObject, vCard and iCalendar
4. TODOs
Add CalDAV mechanisms and recommendations
Fill in missing example hashes
Fully replace normalization process with the vObject one, remove normalization process here
5. Introduction
The ubiquitous vCard and iCalendar standards, also known together as the “vObject” family of standards Internet-Draft draft-calconnect-vobject-vformat-00, powers digital contact exchanges, calendaring and scheduling on billions of devices today.
Integrity 2.1.2 is a key property of “information security” defined as the “preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information” 2.33. When provided with a vObject, however, there is no inherent method to detect its own data integrity.
In reality, people are known to exchange vCard and iCalendar data through unreliable means, which could affect data integrity during its data lifecycle:
transport of vObject data, such as over Internet mail IETF RFC 5322 and QR Codes ISO/IEC 18004;
storage of vObject content, such as on disk, can be subject to silent corruption.
Previous standards were established in a time where integrity concerns were less widespread, and relied solely on data transport, application and storage integrity without considering on whether the content transmitted, processed or retrieved was as intended without modification or corruption.
This document specifically deals with information integrity in face of the following risks:
vObjects on storage may face silent corruption;
vObjects transmitted over networks or other channels may face network corruption that may go undetected by the underlying transport mechanism.
The standards subject to such risks include:
vCard versions 2.1 [vCard21], 3 IETF RFC 2425 IETF RFC 2426 and 4 IETF RFC 6350;
iCalendar IETF RFC 5545;
Calendar Availability Extensions IETF RFC 7953;
alternative formats for iCalendar and vCard, including xCal IETF RFC 6321, jCal IETF RFC 7265, xCard IETF RFC 6351, and jCard IETF RFC 7095.
This document provides:
a stable mechanism to calculate vObject equivalence using cryptographic hash functions, valid across alternative representations, such as xCard/jCard and xCal/jCal;
introduces a new property CHECKSUM to vObjects;
usage of the CHECKSUM property on CardDAV IETF RFC 6352 and CalDAV IETF RFC 4791 systems;
alternative representations of the CHECKSUM property for xCard IETF RFC 6351, jCard IETF RFC 7095, xCal IETF RFC 6321 and jCal IETF RFC 7265 representations of this property; and
guidance to implementers on dealing with integrity concerns and the proper usage of CHECKSUM.
Organizations that implement information security management systems, such as ISO/IEC 27001, MAY find this document applicable to their own processes.
The decision to update the existing vCard version 4 IETF RFC 6350 and iCalendar IETF RFC 5545 standards were chosen to maintain maximum backwards compatibility.
This work is produced by the CalConnect TC-VCARD [CALCONNECT-VCARD] and TC-CALENDAR [CALCONNECT-CALENDAR] committees.
6. Properties
Property cardinalities are indicated in the same method as provided by IETF RFC 6350 based on ABNF 3.6.
These registration details for the CHECKSUM property adhere to rules specified in 10.2.1.
6.1.1. Namespace
6.1.2. Property name
6.1.3. Purpose
Allows content integrity detection and verification against data corruption of a vObject.
6.1.4. Value type
A single text value.
6.1.6. Property parameters
6.1.7. Value
6.1.8. Description
CHECKSUM is an OPTIONAL property of a vObject. There can be multiple CHECKSUM properties within the same vObject. vObject client implementations are RECOMMENDED to implement CHECKSUM for a basic level of integrity guarantee.
The CHECKSUM value used to compare the checksum of data should be selected in this way:
the highest PREF value among all CHECKSUM properties; then
the most applicable HASHA algorithm taking into account collision resistance and application support.
6.1.9. Format definition
CHECKSUM-param = "VALUE=text"
CHECKSUM-param = pid-param / pref-param / altid-param /
checksum-param-hasha / checksum-param-hashp /
; Value type and VALUE parameter MUST match.
Figure 16
6.1.10. Examples
Figure 17
7. Property Parameters
The CHECKSUM allowed property parameters of PID, PREF, ALTID have the same meaning as on other properties IETF RFC 6350.
7.1. PREF Property Parameter
The PREF property parameter indicates the preference of the vCard author on which CHECKSUM value to put most weight on.
Usage of this parameter is further explained in Clause 8.
7.2. HASHA Property Parameter
Registration details for the HASHA property parameter adhere to rules specified in 10.2.1
7.2.1. Namespace
7.2.2. Parameter name
7.2.3. Purpose
Specify the hash function used for the property value
7.2.4. Description
Possible values are defined in Clause 15.3.
The HASHA Property Parameter MUST not be applied on properties other than CHECKSUM unless specified.
New HASHA hash functions MUST be specified in a Standards Track RFC.
7.2.5. Format definition
hasha-param = "HASHA=" hasha-value *("," hasha-value)
hasha-value = "sha3-256" / iana-token / x-name
; This is further defined in <<checksum_functions>>
Figure 18
7.2.6. Examples:
Figure 19
Figure 20
7.3. HASHP Property Parameter
Certain hash functions such as extendable output functions (XOFs) can be customized:
SHAKE-128, SHAKE-256, cSHAKE-128, cSHAKE256, ParallelHash128, ParallelHash256 support customizable hash value length.
cSHAKE-128, cSHAKE-256, support function name customization.
cSHAKE-128, cSHAKE-256, ParallelHash128, ParallelHash256 support customizable bit strings.
ParallelHash128, ParallelHash256 support customizable block sizes for parallel hashing.
Since each hash function may take different specifiers, each hash function identifier MAY specify its own set of HASHP specifiers in a particular order. The parameter value(s) entered MUST conform to the hash function’s specification in a Standards Track RFC. An implementation MUST follow the value type interpretation specified for the hash function.
For example, in Clause 10.1.1, the cSHAKE-128 algorithm (with the identifier cshake128) takes (L, N, S) as input, where L is an integer to specify the output bit length, N is a text string representing the function name, S is a text string for customization purposes. When given a HASHP parameter value “512,address book,Orange”, for the HASHA identifier cshake128, the implementation MUST recognize that L is the integer 512, N is the string “address book”, and S is the string “Orange”.
Registration details for the HASHP property parameter adhere to rules specified in 10.2.1
7.3.1. Namespace
7.3.2. Parameter name
7.3.3. Purpose
Describe hash function specifiers used for the property value.
7.3.4. Description
Provide specifiers for the HASHA hash function used to calculate the property value.
Possible values are defined in Clause 15.4.
The HASHP Property Parameter MUST not be applied on properties other than CHECKSUM unless specified.
7.3.5. Format definition
hashp-param = "HASHP=" hashp-value *("," hashp-value)
hashp-value = param-value
; This list of values must be specified in the exact order and value
type defined in <<supported_table>>
Figure 21
CHECKSUM;HASHA=shake128;HASHP=512,"Directory Service Identifier":
Figure 22
Figure 23
8. Integrity Validation
8.1. Integrity In The vObject Life Cycle
Data integrity is important during storage and transmission of a vObject.
If an implementation stores vObjects directly on disk or in memory, it is RECOMMENDED that:
Immediately prior to saving on target medium, a CHECKSUM is calculated and stored; and
Immediately after retrieval from target medium, the included CHECKSUM is verified to ensure that it has not been corrupted.
An implementation that supports CHECKSUM MUST adhere to the following rules:
If it supports importing of vObjects (including network import), it MUST verify the provided CHECKSUM property value immediately prior to import to ensure the vObject has not been damaged.
If it supports exporting of vObject (including network export), it MUST insert at least one CHECKSUM property with corresponding checksum values to the vObject immediately prior to exporting, to ensure the recipient of the vObject can check against data integrity.
8.2. vObject Validity States
There are 3 validity states of a vObject:
This vObject is not corrupt.
This vObject is corrupt.
Unable to determine
This vObject does not provide enough information to make a validity judgement.
8.3. Integrity Validity When Presented With A Single CHECKSUM Property
Given one CHECKSUM property, an implementation that supports the CHECKSUM property SHOULD reach the following conclusions about the vObject:
Valid. The vObject is intact. Calculation by the implementation of the vObject’s CHECKSUM property value was identical to the provided checksum value.
Invalid. The vObject is corrupted. Calculation by the implementation of the vObject’s CHECKSUM resulted in a different value as the provided checksum value.
Unverified. The implementation is unable to determine data integrity of the vObject.
The vObject did not have a CHECKSUM property and therefore its data integrity cannot be verified.
The vObject had a CHECKSUM property with a blank value and therefore its data integrity cannot be verified. This also signifies that the originator implementation was not able to calculate a CHECKSUM value.
The vObject had a CHECKSUM property with a value but the current implementation does not support the chosen hash function, therefore its data integrity cannot be verified.
8.4. Integrity Validity When Presented With Multiple CHECKSUM Properties
If a vObject has more than one non-empty CHECKSUM property, an implementation should validate according to the rules below.
In the order of preference stated (PREF parameter value), validate all supported SPCV until one is verified.
If a vObject can be validated to any SPCV, it is deemed valid.
If all SPCVs are invalid, the vObject fails validation.
If a vObject does not have any SPCV, or the implementation does not support any SPCV, but contains a supported CHECKSUM property
If the CHECKSUM property value is valid, the vObject is deemed valid.
Otherwise, the vObject fails validation.
9. Method of CHECKSUM Value Calculation
The following method to calculate CHECKSUM is devised for these desired properties:
Stable across alternative representation formats of the vCard and iCalendar, such as xCard/jCard.
Allows comparison of equivalence of content rather than formatting. E.g., addition of new-lines within a vCard and order of listed properties do not affect the resulting checksum value.
For implementations that handle CHECKSUM, its calculation MUST be performed after all property updates including REV, which is often updated during save.
Steps to calculate CHECKSUM:
Calculate the hash value of the vObject
Determine the need to add a new CHECKSUM property.
If there is no existing CHECKSUM property, add it as the last property of the vObject, with the selected cryptographic hash algorithm type and the selected hash parameters. Its value should be set to “” (empty string).
If there is an existing CHECKSUM property:
If its parameters are identical to the user’s current settings (or the CUA’s defaults), there is no need to add an extra CHECKSUM property. Set its value to “” (empty string).
Otherwise, add the extra CHECKSUM property as described above.
Normalize the vObject in data model form (in accordance with Internet-Draft draft-calconnect-vobject-vformat-00)
For each normalized property (including the newly added CHECKSUM property):
For each normalized property parameter:
For each normalized property parameter value:
Obtain pre-hash string representation of the property parameter value
Calculate hash value of the string representation of the property parameter value
Obtain pre-hash string representation of the property parameter using hashes of its property parameter values
Calculate hash value of the string representation of the property parameter
For each normalized property value:
Obtain pre-hash string representation of the property value
Calculate hash value of the string representation of the property value
Obtain pre-hash string representation of the property using hashes of its property values and property parameters
Calculate hash value of the string representation of the property
Obtain pre-hash string representation of the vObject itself using hashes of its properties
Calculate hash value of the string representation of the vObject.
This procedure is repeated to calculate the value for every CHECKSUM property (which may specify different cryptographic hash algorithms and parameters), with all CHECKSUM values set to “” (empty string) for calculation consistency.
If the implementation is unable to calculate the CHECKSUM due to unsupported or unrecognized parameters of a CHECKSUM property, assign the “” (empty string) as its value.
Enter the calculated CHECKSUM value for each CHECKSUM property.
The checksum calculation procedure is complete.
10. Cryptographic Hash Functions
The CHECKSUM value is calculated by a chosen cryptographic hash function specified in the HASHA property parameter. Certain hash functions accept customization specifiers, which can be specified in the HASHP property parameter.
10.1. Supported Hash Functions
CHECKSUM supports the following hash algorithms.
10.1.1. Hash Function Specifiers
CHECKSUM supported hash algorithms are listed in the following table.
The CHECKSUM value contains the output of the hash function, which is usually stored in hexadecimal format as the text value type.
The identifier from this table should be put as value of the property parameter HASHA.
Algorithms with a “Variable” message digest size mean its length can be specified by a HASHP specifier.
Algorithms with no specifiers:
Table 1
Algorithm | Identifier | Message Digest Size (bits) | Description |
SHA-2 SHA-224 | sha224 | 224 | IETF RFC 6234; NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 8 (SHA-224) |
SHA-2 SHA-256 | sha256 | 256 | IETF RFC 6234; NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 4 (SHA-256) |
SHA-2 SHA-384 | sha384 | 384 | IETF RFC 6234; NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 6 (SHA-384) |
SHA-2 SHA-512 | sha512 | 512 | IETF RFC 6234; NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 5 (SHA-512) |
SHA-2 SHA-512/224 | sha512-224 | 224 | NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 9 (SHA-512/224) |
SHA-2 SHA-512/256 | sha512-256 | 256 | NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 10 (SHA-512/256) |
WHIRLPOOL | whirlpool | 512 | [WHIRLPOOL]; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 7 (WHIRLPOOL) |
STREEBOG-256 | streebog256 | 256 | [STREEBOG] GOST R 34.11-2012; IETF RFC 6986; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 12 (STREEBOG-256) |
STREEBOG-512 | streebog512 | 512 | [STREEBOG] GOST R 34.11-2012; IETF RFC 6986; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 11 (STREEBOG-512) |
SHA3-224 | sha3-224 | 224 | NIST FIPS 202 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 13 (SHA3-224) |
SHA3-256 | sha3-256 | 256 | NIST FIPS 202 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 14 (SHA3-256) |
SHA3-384 | sha3-384 | 384 | NIST FIPS 202 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 15 (SHA3-384) |
SHA3-512 | sha3-512 | 512 | NIST FIPS 202 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 16 (SHA3-512) |
SM3 | sm3 | 512 | <<?I-D.shen-sm3-hash>>; [SM3]; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 17 (SM3) |
IANA registered hash algorithm | iana-token | iana-token | IANA |
Vendor-specific hash algorithm | x-token | Vendor specific | Vendor specific |
Algorithms with specifiers:
Table 2
Algorithm | Identifier | Message Digest Size (bits) | Specifier(s) | Description |
SHAKE-128 | shake128 | Varys | L: integer (default: 256) | NIST FIPS 202 fpd |
SHAKE-256 | shake256 | Varys | L: integer (default: 512) | NIST FIPS 202 fpd |
cSHAKE-128 | cshake128 | Varys | L: integer (default: 256), N: text (default: “”), S: text (default: “”) | NIST SP 800-185 fpd |
cSHAKE-256 | cshake256 | Varys | L: integer (default: 512), N: text (default: “”), S: text (default: “”) | NIST SP 800-185 fpd |
ParallelHash-128 | parallel128 | Varys | B: integer (default: 64), L: integer (default: 256), S: text (default: “”) | NIST SP 800-185 fpd |
ParallelHash-256 | parallel256 | Varys | B: integer (default: 64), L: integer (default: 256), S: text (default: “”) | NIST SP 800-185 fpd |
IANA registered hash algorithm | iana-token | iana-token | iana-token | IANA |
Vendor-specific hash algorithm | x-token | Vendor specific | Vendor specific | Vendor specific | Example
sha3-256('BEGIN:VCARD') = "f1fcbc9bddcd44b1e50db99a277bc868" +
Figure 24
The default algorithm is sha3-256. An implementation that supports this document MUST support at least the sha3-256 function.
10.1.2. The SHA-2 Hash Functions
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA-2) is a family of secure hash algorithms defined in NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256.
SHA-256 and SHA-512 are the two core hash functions that differ by process parameters, which produce a hash value of 256 and 512 bits respectively.
SHA-224 is identical to SHA-256, except that different initial hash values are used, and the final hash value is truncated to 224 bits.
SHA-384, SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256 are identical to SHA-512, except that different initial hash values are used, and the final hash value is truncated to 384, 224, 256 bits respectively. In particular, SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256 use initial hash values generated by the “SHA-512/t IV Generation Function” given in NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd.
10.1.3. The WHIRLPOOL Hash Function
WHIRLPOOL is a hash function that operates on messages less than 2^256 bits in length, and produces a hash value of 512 bits [WHIRLPOOL].
It uses Merkle-Damgard strengthening and the Miyaguchi-Preneel hashing scheme with a dedicated 512-bit block cipher called “W” [WHIRLPOOL].
10.1.4. The SM3 Hash Function
SM3 is a hash function [SM3] for the use of electronic authentication service systems.
SM3 is an iterated hash function based on a Merkle-Damgard design, processes on 512-bit input message blocks with a 256-bit state, and produces a 256-bit hash value.
10.1.5. The SHA-3 Hash Functions
Secure Hash Algorithm-3 (SHA-3) is a family of hash functions defined in NIST FIPS 202 fpd consisting of:
four cryptographic hash functions, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512; and
two extendable-output functions (XOFs), SHAKE128 and SHAKE256.
Each SHA-3 function is based on an instance of the KECCAK algorithm [KECCAK] which won the SHA-3 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Competition NIST FIPS 202 fpd.
SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 produce a hash value output of 224, 256, 384 and 512 bits respectively.
SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 are XOFs that produce output of arbitrary length, which can be specified using the “HASHP” property parameter.
Notes concerning SHA-3 based XOFs NIST FIPS 202 fpd:
Output of a XOF can be considered as an infinite string, and the “HASHP” property parameter simply determines how many initial bits of the initial string to use.
The SHAKE-256 and -128 functions, as long as at least 2x bits of their output is used, they have generic security strengths of 256 and 128 bits. However, using an excess of 64 or 32 bytes of their output respectively, does not increase their collision-resistance.
10.1.6. The STREEBOG Hash Functions
Streebog (or Stribog) is a family of two separate hash functions defined in the Russian standard GOST R 34.11-2012 [STREEBOG] where the functions differ in their output lengths, which are 256- and 512-bits respectively.
Streebog accepts message block sizes of 512-bits, and both functions only differ in the different IVs used other than the output length [STREEBOG].
10.1.7. The BLAKE2 Hash Functions
BLAKE2, described in [BLAKE2] and IETF RFC 7693, is a hash algorithm that comes in two flavors, BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s. It is the successor of BLAKE [BLAKE] which was a NIST SHA-3 competition finalist.
BLAKE2b is optimized for 64-bit platforms and produces hash values of any size between 1 and 64 bytes
BLAKE2s is optimized for 8- to 32-bit platforms and produces hash values of any size between 1 and 32 bytes
While BLAKE2 allows customizing parameters, including salt and a customization string, implementations that adhere to this specification should adopt BLAKE2 as defined in IETF RFC 7693.
10.1.8. The SHA-3 Extension Hash Functions
NIST SP 800-185 fpd defines a number of additional hash algorithms based on algorithms defined in NIST FIPS 202 fpd, including:
cSHAKE-128, cSHAKE-256: customizable SHAKE functions, which take extra inputs of hash value length, a function name string, and a customization string;
ParallelHash128, ParallelHash256: supports efficient hashing of very long strings by taking advantage of the parallelism available in modern processors based on SHAKE. These take the extra inputs of block size, hash value length and a customization string.
Both cSHAKE and ParallelHash are XOFs that can produce variable length output. The number suffix at their names mean the security strength bits of the algorithm.
10.2. Selection Considerations
10.2.1. Collision Resistance of Hash Function Families
For our purposes we specify the following strength families of hash algorithms. Hash functions placed in the higher bracket are considered “more resistant” in algorithm selection.
Table 3
Strength | Hash Function Identifier |
1 | sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha512-224, sha512-256 |
2 | whirlpool, streebog256, streebog512 |
3 | blake2b256, blake2b384, blake2b512, blake2s224, blake2s256, sm3, shake128, shake256, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512 |
10.2.2. Guidelines for Hash Function Selection
Collision-resistance: higher bit length digests are generally preferable to lower bit length digests due to lower susceptibility to collisions.
Performance: some hash functions are more computation intensive. Higher bit length digests generally require more computation to generate.
History: a hash algorithm that has withstood cryptanalytic attacks provide better confidence than ones that have not been in widespread use.
Availability and interoperability: certain hash algorithms, such as SHA-2 ( IETF RFC 6234; NIST FIPS 180-4 fpd; ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 4 (SHA-256)), are more prevalently available on computing platforms.
Selection of the hash function should be based on a balance of collision resistance, performance, history and interoperability.
10.2.3. Hash Functions Considered Unsuitable
The following hash functions are specifically excluded due to stated reasons:
RIPEMD-160 ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 1 and RIPEMD-128 ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 2, are specifically excluded as they do no longer provide a sufficient level of collision resistance, see 7.1 Note 2 8 Note 2. The RIPEMD optional extensions RIPEMD-256 and RIPEMD-320 [RIPEMD160] are also excluded as they are of the same security levels as RIPEMD-128 and RIPE-160 respectively.
SHA-1 IETF RFC 3174 ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated Hash-Function 3 is excluded as it does not provide a sufficient level of collision resistance, see 9.1 Note 2.
CRC-32 ISO/IEC 13239 and in general CRC algorithms are excluded due to weak collision resistance.
11. Using CHECKSUM With Server Support
11.1. Usage of CHECKSUM in vCards on CardDAV servers
CardDAV servers are RECOMMENDED to calculate and provide an extra CHECKSUM property for al vCard retrieval requests in order to provide a base level of integrity guarantee.
The CHECKSUM property and its parameters are fully compatible with the CardDAV mechanism described in IETF RFC 6352.
11.1.1. Creating And Updating Address Object Resources
6.3.2 specifies how to create address object resources.
An implementation abiding to this specification MUST augment this process according to the following. Client Implementations Should Transmit With CHECKSUM
When a client issues a PUT to create an address object resource, a CHECKSUM property SHOULD be included in the request.
The CHECKSUM property value MAY be empty if the client wishes the server to calculate the value according to the given HASHA and/or HASHP parameters.
11.1.2. Additional Server Semantics for PUT, COPY and MOVE
This specification creates an additional precondition and postcondition for the PUT, COPY, and MOVE methods when:
A PUT operation requests an address object resource to be placed into an address book collection; and
A COPY or MOVE operation requests an address object resource to be placed into (or out of) an address book collection. Additional Precondition
(CARDDAV:valid-address-data-checksum) The address object resource submitted in the PUT request, or targeted by a COPY or MOVE request, contains a CHECKSUM property:
The address object resource’s integrity MUST be valid as determined by methods of this specification.
If the resource contains an empty CHECKSUM property value, the server SHOULD fill in the property value with its own calculation.
The CHECKSUM property value SHOULD be stored by the server to enable data integrity verification.
If the resource CHECKSUM is deemed invalid, the server SHOULD respond with a 409 (Conflict) status to indicate to the client so, hence the <CARDDAV:valid-address-data-checksum> condition is not met. In this case, the client may choose to empty the CHECKSUM property value for re-submission. Resolve Discrepancy Between Server And Client vCard Data
Certain servers perform silent changes or cleanups of client provided vCard data when stored as address object resources, such as the order of property parameters or scrubbed values.
The resulting vCard data stored on the server (and when returned back to the client) may end up different than that of the client without its knowledge. It is therefore necessary for the client to be reported on such modifications. Additional Postcondition
(CARDDAV:resource-not-modified): The address object resource should not be modified by the server such that its original CHECKSUM value becomes invalid.
After action execution, the server should re-calculate the CHECKSUM property value based on the retrieved address object resource.
If the CHECKSUM property value is now different, the server SHOULD respond to client with the latest address object resource and the new CHECKSUM so that the client knows the resource has been changed by the server.
11.2. Usage of CHECKSUM with CalDAV
The CalDAV IETF RFC 4791 calendar access protocol allows clients and servers to exchange iCalendar data. iCalendar data is typically stored in calendar object resources on a CalDAV server.
A CalDAV server is RECOMMENDED to return iCalendar data with integrity protection.
11.2.1. Creating Calendar Resources
A CalDAV client typically updates the calendar object resource data via an HTTP PUT request, which requires sending the entire iCalendar object in the HTTP request body.
11.3. Usage of CHECKSUM with iTIP
iTIP IETF RFC 5546 defines how iCalendar data can be sent between calendar user agents to schedule calendar components between calendar users.
This specification is compatible with iTIP transfer of iCalendar data.
12. Alternative vObject Representations
12.1. xCard
The XML representation IETF RFC 6351 of the CHECKSUM property follows the example shown below. For this property, the value type MUST be set to “text” and parameter “type” MUST also be set to “text”.
Figure 25
12.2. jCard
The JSON representation of the CHECKSUM property follows IETF RFC 7095 as the example shown below.
{ "hasha": "sha224", "pref": "99" },
Figure 26
13. Implementation Notes
13.1. vCard REV Update Guidelines For The CHECKSUM Property
Updating of the CHECKSUM property value should not affect the REV value of a vCard. However, if a CHECKSUM property is newly inserted, or its parameters changed (such as HASHA or HASHP), then the REV value should be updated according to IETF RFC 6350.
13.2. Calculating CHECKSUM From An xCard
Implementers MUST ignore individual parameter value types in xCard ( 6, Appendix A 4.1) during CHECKSUM value calculation to be compatible with vCard and jCard, as individual parameter value types are implicit (not explicitly represented) in both vCard and jCard properties.
13.3. Backwards Compatibility Concerns
If an implementation does not support the CHECKSUM property, it MUST ignore the CHECKSUM property entirely without providing it any value. If an incorrect value is provided, the receiving end of this vObject may falsely assume that the vObject is broken.
13.4. Unsupported Property Parameters
If an implementation supports the CHECKSUM property but not certain parameters (e.g., a specified hash function), it MUST leave that property value empty as the insertion of the CHECKSUM property indicates the wish of the user to utilize it.
If an implementation supports the CHECKSUM property, it MUST calculate the checksum values for every CHECKSUM property in the vObject.
13.5. Recommendations for Client User Applications
13.5.1. User Experience
The CUA SHOULD honestly reflect checksum validation results to the user to allow further action from the user, e.g., to seek retransmission of the vObject.
13.5.2. Ongoing Improvements
Cryptographic hash algorithms can break overtime. There will be a time when best practice designates a better one, CUA SHOULD take this in mind and promote best practice to update its security profile.
14. Security Considerations
The function of the CHECKSUM property depends on the collision-free property of cryptographic hash functions. However, as time passes, today’s recommended cryptographic hash functions may no longer be considered reliable in the future. Implementers MUST take this into account and update its security profile according to the latest best practice on cryptographic hash functions.
The CHECKSUM property is not designed to protect against intentional and unauthorized modification. A malicious party with access to the vObject (such as a “man-in-the-middle attack” 3.3.5 4) could both modify the data and the CHECKSUM property at the same time and prevent detection.
The CHECKSUM property is not designed to address data authenticity ( 2.8 2.1.3) concerns. A malicious party may send a vObject posing as another entity. This document does not protect against that situation.
While many vObject properties can be used to transport URIs, the CHECKSUM property specifically does not allow setting a URI as its value due to extra security risks raised during the reference step to a URI ( 7). In any case, it is easy for an attacker to directly modify the CHECKSUM instead of modifying the results at a third-party URI, and therefore would not improve integrity protection of the vObject.
Security considerations around vObject formats in the following documents MUST be adhered to:
vCard: IETF RFC 6350
iCalendar: IETF RFC 5545, IETF RFC 5789, IETF RFC 4791
15. IANA Considerations
15.1. Common vObject Registries
The IANA has created and will maintain the following registries under the heading “vObject Common Elements”.
The registry policy is Specification Required; any newly proposed specification MUST be reviewed by the designated expert.
15.2. Registration Procedure For New Hash Functions And Hash Function Specifiers
This section defines the process for registering new or modified hash functions and hash function specifiers with IANA.
The IETF mailing lists for vObject (, CardDAV ( and CalDAV ( SHOULD be used for public discussion of additional hash functions and hash function specifiers for the CHECKSUM property prior to registration.
The registration procedure specified in IETF RFC 6350 should be followed to register additional hash functions and hash function specifiers for vObjects.
15.3. vObject Hash Functions Registry
The registry policy is Specification Required; any newly proposed registration MUST be reviewed by the designated expert.
The registry SHOULD contain the following note:
Note: Experts are to verify that the proposed registration
*SHOULD* provide benefits for the wider vObject community,
and provides a publicly-available standard that can be implemented in
an interoperable way. Hash functions are preferrably approved by the CFRG
with references to IETF-published documents. The "Reference" value should
point to a document that details the implementation of this hash function
in the vObject context.
Figure 27
15.3.1. Registration Template for vObject Hash Functions
A Hash Function is defined by completing the following template.
The identifier of the hash function.
A short but clear description of the hash function, with any special notes about it.
One or more examples of input and output of the hash function.
15.3.2. Initial Registrations
The following table has been used to initialize the Hash Functions registry.
Table 4
15.4. vObject Hash Function Specifier Registry
The registry policy is Specification Required; any newly proposed registration MUST be reviewed by the designated expert.
The registry SHOULD contain the following note:
Note: Experts are to verify that the proposed registration
*SHOULD* provide benefits for the wider vObject community,
and provides a publicly-available standard that can be implemented in
an interoperable way. Hash function specifiers are preferrably approved by the CFRG
with references to IETF-published documents. The "Reference" value should
point to a document that details the implementation of this hash function
in the vObject context.
Figure 28
The “Specifier(s)” column in the registry SHOULD adhere to the following format:
specifier = specifier-tuple *("," specifier-tuple)
specifier-tuple = specifier-key ": " specifier-value-type +
"(default: " specifier-description ")"
specifier-key = text
specifier-value-type = value-type
specifier-description = text
Figure 29
15.4.1. Registration Template for vObject Hash Function Specifiers
A Hash Function Specifier is defined by completing the following template.
Identifier of the hash function that this specifier applies to.
A short but clear description of the hash function specifier.
In which position in the specifier list should this specifier be found.
Value Type
The type of specifier value (e.g., text).
One or more examples of input and output of the hash function.
15.4.2. Initial Registrations
The following table has been used to initialize the Hash Function Specifier registry.
Table 5
ID | Order | Description | Value Type | Example(s) |
shake128 | 1 | L: output bit length | integer | Appendix A.2.19 |
shake256 | 1 | L: output bit length | integer | Appendix A.2.20 |
cshake128 | 1 | L: output bit length | integer | Appendix A.2.21 |
cshake128 | 2 | N: function-name | text | Appendix A.2.21 |
cshake128 | 3 | S: customization string | text | Appendix A.2.21 |
cshake256 | 1 | L: output bit length | integer | Appendix A.2.22 |
cshake256 | 2 | N: function-name | text | Appendix A.2.22 |
cshake256 | 3 | S: customization string | text | Appendix A.2.22 |
parallel128 | 1 | B: block size in bytes | text | Appendix A.2.23 |
parallel128 | 2 | L: output bit length | integer | Appendix A.2.23 |
parallel128 | 3 | S: customization string | text | Appendix A.2.23 |
parallel256 | 1 | B: block size in bytes | text | Appendix A.2.24 |
parallel256 | 2 | L: output bit length | integer | Appendix A.2.24 |
parallel256 | 3 | S: customization string | text | Appendix A.2.24 |
15.5. Property Registrations
This document defines the following new properties to be added to the registries defined in:
Table 6
Property | Status | Reference |
CHECKSUM | Current | This document: Clause 6.1 |
15.6. Parameter Registrations
This document defines the following new property parameters to be added to the registries defined in:
Table 7
Parameter | Status | Reference |
HASHA | Current | This document: Clause 7.2 |
HASHP | Current | This document: Clause 7.3 |
15.6.1. Parameter Value Registrations
This document defines the following new parameter values to be added to the registries defined in:
Table 8
Property | Parameter | Value | Reference |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha224 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha384 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha512 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha512-224 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha512-256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | whirlpool | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | streebog256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | streebog512 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha3-224 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha3-256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha3-384 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sha3-512 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | sm3 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | blake2b256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | blake2b384 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | blake2b512 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | blake2s224 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | blake2s256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | shake128 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | shake256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | cshake128 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | cshake256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | parallel128 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
CHECKSUM | HASHA | parallel256 | This document: Clause 7.2 |
16. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank the following parties who helped this materialize and for their support of a better world.
their families
the CalConnect TC-VCARD committee
members and the Board of Directors of CalConnect
This specification was developed by the CalConnect TC-VCARD committee.
Appendix A
A.1.1. Original vCard
FN:Martin Van Buren
N:Van Buren;Martin;;;Hon.
Figure A.1
A.1.2. Setup
Location of the CHECKSUM property within the VCARD component does not matter as the method of calculation is agnostic with regards to line location of a property.
vCard extended with CHECKSUM property for CHECKSUM calculation at the last line, specifying the sha512 algorithm and value type STRING:
FN:Martin Van Buren
N:Van Buren;Martin;;;Hon.
Figure A.2
A.1.3. Normalization: Properties
PREPHASH-PROPERTY("FN:Martin Van Buren") =
"FN:TEXT/[Martin Van Buren]?#[]"
PREPHASH-PROPERTY("N:Van Buren;Martin;;;Hon.") =
"N:TEXT/[Van Buren;Martin;;;Hon.]?#[]"
"TEL:URI/[tel:+1-888-888-8888;ext=8888]" +
Figure A.3
A.1.4. Cryptographic Hashing: Properties
HASH("VERSION:TEXT/[4.0]?#[]") =
HASH("KIND:TEXT/[individual]?#[]") =
HASH("FN:TEXT/[Martin Van Buren]?#[]") =
HASH("N:TEXT/[Van Buren;Martin;;;Hon.]?#[]") =
"TEL:URI/[tel:+1-888-888-8888;ext=8888]" +
) = "dc22433d7cb2445dd9f083a1d998ee00e8f2f369f0e18ddb827f8135f0d7b30d"
HASH("CHECKSUM:TEXT/[]?#[{HASHA:[sha512]}]") =
Figure A.4
A.1.5. Normalization: Component
"FN:" +
HASH("FN:TEXT/[Martin Van Buren]?#[{VALUE:[TEXT]}]"),
"KIND:" +
"N:" +
HASH("N:TEXT/[Van Buren;Martin;;;Hon.]?#[{VALUE:[TEXT]}]"),
"TEL:" +
"TEL:URI/[tel:+1-888-888-8888;ext=8888]?" +
Figure A.5
Figure A.6
A.1.6. Cryptographic Hashing: Component
HASH-COMPONENT(component) =
Figure A.7
A.1.7. Final Checksum
This is the final checksum of this component using the sha3-256 hash method.
The final vCard:
FN:Martin Van Buren
N:Van Buren;Martin;;;Hon.
Figure A.8
A.2. Hash Functions Registry Examples
A.2.1. SHA-2 SHA-224
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "22e92efac9d7b0e63695a9d960376ace" +
Figure A.9
A.2.2. SHA-2 SHA-256
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "99e3e442c1a5cbd115baa26d077c6bbb" +
Figure A.10
A.2.3. SHA-2 SHA-384
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "4055b176af753e251bc269007569c8f9" +
"633e6227a5f9727381cfba0bbb44a0c9" +
Figure A.11
A.2.4. SHA-2 SHA-512
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "a2d5b1339599039a7058d8446442f2cb" +
"341a149064eacb31fdc410e57e239849" +
"88efffc6f15842a6a6ae08fb4d791d2f" +
Figure A.12
A.2.7. WHIRLPOOL (512-bit)
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "6e9ca195e4e87afcc624fa88334088fb" +
"71038273b16cb1e47888072c03cfaf79" +
"29539375c5ff92fbd82b73924ed60b1d" +
Figure A.15
A.2.10. SHA-3-224
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "630d7879cac76d221565dcc335bff595" +
Figure A.18
A.2.11. SHA-3-256
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "f1fcbc9bddcd44b1e50db99a277bc868" +
Figure A.19
A.2.12. SHA-3-384
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "2d27f6dccb17bf6da9800386aae4a991" +
"cfdebc4f3a971f7d0e5264aa0c7b1394" +
Figure A.20
A.2.13. SHA-3-512
input("BEGIN:VCARD") = "ceb5ab39356ce3440d99375a3098cfa5" +
"20db3d54a3c15184be9f19f6483165e7" +
"8769d4cf2e7f0976422ed4856122c957" +
Figure A.21
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